Monday, February 18, 2008

Dear Mira

Mood : Happy (^_^)

Dear Sis Mira,

Don't worry my sis...everything's fine now. You must understand that life is full with colours. Sometimes, we can't control ourself from tears falling. Happiness and sadness bring colours to our life. I still can think rationally even though I am having a mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition. My frustration won't take a long time to recover. I am okay now. I learnt something about the past and it gave me more experiences in life. I am sad but it doesn't mean that it's hard for me to move on. Actually it gives me spirit and a new hope. I will always happy. There's no such thing only happiness happens in our life. Tears make me feel better everytime I feel upset. Thanks Sis for your concern ^^ I Love You Sis! Mwahx!