Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sharing is Caring, eh?


Saja Lala mau kongsi cerita psl what I've been thru' before untuk mendapatkan kulit yang almost licin. Seriously, masa Lala started jadi a teenager..jerawat tumbuh tanpa henti. Sampai my friend pernah ucap Lala..'Si Jerawat'. Apa kamu rasa if kamu kana ucap cmatu? well, it was started in the year of 2003 (form 3). Kalau Lala k kadai pun (especially at the cosmetics section), the salesgirl MESTI (wajib lah tu) durg recommended banyak cream Jerawat. Lol. It's funny bila Lala kenangkan balik.. 

Sebnrnya, not only me..Mama pun worried. Of course. I'm the only princess. She bought so many beauty products for me. Yang murah2 & mahal2 including DN'Hans (from D'Navechee..spelling??) tapi nada lah sampai beribu2 harganya. Bukan kaya sgt ni. Lol. Plus..for your information, my skin dulu was dark..tapi nda dark brabis lah. Lala nada confident kan bgambar tu dulu. Hanya Allah saja yg paham akan perasaan Lala. Malu kerana banyak JERAWAT 

Finally, pada tahun 2006 (form 6)...Lala mula menggunakan product Safi (as shown in the picture on the left). It's a facial wash. Made with cucumber.
 Mama yg balikan. Masa tu, nda pkir apa2 lagi. Malas mau pikir. Just t
au rajin pakai saja. Pagi Siang Mal
am. Hehe. But heran..jerawat nda plg kluar lg..tapi maintain. Meaning jewarat nda ilang2. Forgot to tell ya, I was also used Safi cream untuk kcerahan (picture on the right).

Then, masa my Safi 'Timun' facial wash abis, Lala went to a 
supermarket and wanted to buy a new one. Masa d Supermarket atu, I saw a Safi 'Gamat' facial wash. I was thinking..'why don't just I give it a try for once'. Lol.  Once? I don't think 
so. Lala inda stop kali ah pakai Safi 'Gamat' facial wash. Btw, Lala masih pakai cream yang sama at that time. Yep! It worked. My jerawat mula p
utih =) Alhamdulillah..and of course, I was so happy at that time. I am still happy. Lala pakai sampai tahun 2010. Tahun ani lah. Lol. But Lala tukar mood sudah few months ago. Lala bali yang baru..SAFI RANIA GOLD~ Syukur Alhamulillah..Safi memang product terbaik untukku~ Lala masih Setia..aiseh..

Ohhh Maii Gaddd...!!!


It's 3-ish a.m. right now. Gosh I'm stil awake. What am I doin'? Honestly, I'm not really in a good mood right now. There are loads of things for me to think about. Final semester? Yes. Final project? Yes. Assignments, reports, exams? Yes, Yes, Yes! love relationship? Yeah..well, I'm tryin` to make things right. The song called 'Cinta Itu Membunuhku' is right. Love is killing me. Indeed. The problem is..balum lagi mati2nya. Hehe. And 'bout my Final semester..stress? yeah. I know..It's normal..

Anyway, I is...very happy now. Want to know why? I just started to be a good girl. I don't want to tell ya bout it in details okay. Biarlah rahsia..

*yawn* I think it's time for me to go to my pinky bed..hehe..night!