Mood : Just Fine
To My Best Friend, Eman!
Since 2003 till now...haha 20th Birthday...Tua udh =D
Posted by Lala at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Mood : Sad *broken heart* So sad. I used to be treated as his girlfriend and was hoping to be with him one day is futile. I am regretting right now but It's useless. There's nothing I could do. I cried so badly and suddenly, I Fell asleep. Tears were falling down as I woke up. I didnt know that I had spent 4 hours sleeping. I'm not expecting this could happen to me now. I had allowed myself to fall in love again. Such a fool. How could the one I gave my heart to, break my heart so bad? I thought we had forever. I don't understand. Wont somebody tell me? Somebody tell me please. If you love me, how could you do that to me? Why is it hard for me to unlove you? I can't unthink about you. Knowing that he loves someone else right now and going to wait for her since seven years back give me a HeartAche. It hurts me so badly. I will try to get over it. I don't wanna think about him anymore. It's over now.
=\ Just wanted happiness instead i got lies and pains =\
Posted by Lala at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Mood : *blank*
Posted by Lala at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Posted by Lala at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Mood : Happy
Posted by Lala at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Mood : *sajuk nyaaa*
Musim ujan~ sajuk~ wlwpn na ujan..sjuk j0a msih~ klu jmur bju..lambat kn kring psl na panas d luar ah. Limbu dr pg smpai kmlm.ehhh mlm? msti la..gelap x ah.kekeke. My youngest Brother, Taufiq dmm arini. Cian Taufiq Lala cyg =\ td lap bdn nya yg pns *hantap* ah..Nmpk jua tu Lala ni kaka yg pyayang...*uhuk*
On Saturday, UBD (University of Brunei Darussalam) is going to bring forward " study at UBD " 2008 program. I don't know whether I am going to attend the program or not. It's kinda exibition. I was just applying for IE, not UBD. I have the invitation. Should I come? I'm In dilemma right now. At the same day, I will be having my marching practise for Brunei's National Day on the 23rd of February.
Dr dlu dh Lala notice most malaysians..I mean majority of them suka pakai MySpace and Yahoo! Messenger. Kalau Bruneians...Mostly pakai MSN and Friendster. haha sja kn share ceta psl ani. haha. tp bnr la...if knalan sma or m'sia...drg tnya "ade ym(Yahoo! Messenger)?" or "ade ms(MySpace)?". Drg ada plg MSN and Fs tp na slalu pakai psl kwn2 drg bnyk dlm YM/MS. sma j0a mcm Lala..bnyk kwn dlm MSN/FS tp na bnyk dlm YM/MS. aha pning? Lala pn pning! Alang2 Lala buka tiga2...MSN, YM and Skype. Advantage nya...dpt contact suma org...Disadvantage nya...BANYAK kn d layan! ^^
waaaa...I forgot to reply Cristine's message...
^ Love is beautiful ^
Posted by Lala at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Mood : Refreshing~
Posted by Lala at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Mood : Sleepy *yawn*
Source : Kim's Blog Page
Tell me your real name
- Nor Dalila
Your nickname(s)
- Lala / Leela / Ally / Lil
Most weird name you were called
- Dila ( pndai2 ja kna pgil Dila )
How about the most annoying?
- Lalat
Your sex
- Female
Your sexuality
- Straight of course
Your Birthdate
- 8/11/88
Your sign
- Scorpio
Your current location
- In ma room. Kg Mulaut. Brunei
Tell us about your lineage
- Asal Tantaya ( AsTa )
Your ethinicity
- Malay
Are you single/taken/attached/not available/available/married?
- Single
- (^_^)
What subjects or course are you taking?
- Going to take communication and computer systems engineering. InsyaAllah. Amin~
What's your occupation?
- Student
Do you drive?
- Yes (^_^)
Legally or illegally?
- Legally
Do you smoke?
- Nope Nope
What is/are your fear(s)?
- Allah s.w.t. & honestly Im afraid of Ghosts
Honestly, do you think your attractive?
- Sometimes ( honest udh ku tu ah )
- I am smart in my way
- Think so
What is/are your most over-used expressions?
- ehh?? ( mental )
What about your most over-used pose?
- The pose when I laugh out loud
Would you date someone ten years younger or older?
- Never!
Best physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
- Lips, Eyes, Nails, Legs, Hairs etc * hahahaha*
Best non-physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
- Hilarious, sweet, talkative, setia kawan, satu kepala
Best physical and non-physical asset YOU think you have?
- Physical : Lips and Eyes
Non-Physical : Friendly
Posted by Lala at 12:48 AM 0 comments
Mood : Happy + sleepy
May all your wishes come true. Semoga hubungan persahabatan kita dari dua negara yang berbeza akan kekal sampai bila2. InsyaAllah.
Posted by Lala at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Mood : Smiling~
Responses and Answers untuk Kiki's and Kimah's footprint^^...well both of u have d same name actually..Hakimah^^ Haha..suka Laaaa~ Yes I wana make a correction here...Actually, Britain and Uk english are the same. You're right kim..the difren is just d accents. Ani mksd lala na xplen bnyk dlm my previous post. The way they talk is not the same with the way they write. And the way they pronounce the english words is different as well. Drg spell mcm tni eja words mlayu~ for xmple...'black' bunyinya jd mcm 'blAc' or 'blAk'..aha tringat plg mcm niger ckp english hiphop style ^^ I think Kimah knows more about this because she's now studying in University of Bath,UK. Msti Kimah jmpa loAds of different people with different english d sna. I got less knowledge about this. Suma tu Julian and Betty gto Lala. If you have some opinions or comments. Please share with me. Arigato Gozaimasu and I love you ^^
^^mcm sesi soal jwb cia plg~ cute^^
Posted by Lala at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Mood : Sleepy 2 da MAX!*yawn*
Before I go to bed, I still wanna post something. Haha. *yawn* Lala bru ja siap chattin wf Mie (Azmie). Hehe Lala suh ia active kn blog nya yg lma na b update ah^^ While chatting wf Mie..Lala dlm conf. with Julian, Jenny and Betty dlm skype. We laughed out loud^^. It was very funny. Sonok sgt la~ a2 ja~ kn tdo ne~ *yawn*
^^ I miss Hana, Syam and Faiz right now! ^^ *yawn*
Posted by Lala at 3:17 AM 0 comments
Mood : So sleepy~
Cik Mira..jn dlu tukar baru ek~ tunggu je buln dpn atau taun dpn..ahahaha^^
I Love my Sis Mira busyukkk!
Posted by Lala at 11:51 PM 0 comments
she chose this layout/design from Blogskins. I hope she likes it. I love you My Friend.
Posted by Lala at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Mood : I am smiling right now!
Single Life makes me feel wanna make and search for new friends. Starting from Friendster and then skype. It is fun to find new friends by using skype. We can find 'em from countries all around the world. Sometimes there are countries which I never heard of their names before and they have different official languages. Wow..get to know more about other countries put curiousity inside me. Sometimes it is a bit annoying when people over aged 30+ or 40+ want to be my friend. Maybe it sounds like I am a 'picky'. yes sometimes. I am actually wanna search for friends who are having the same age like me or below 30. I have a new friend from Cebu, Philippines. Her name's Christine and she is 20. We talked a lot about our country. ^^ As u already know..Brunei has less attractions compare to other countries. That's what I told her.
I have new friends from Germany as well. They are Julian,16, Betty,19, Jenny,12 and Sabrina, 19. Their official language is Germany. It is easy to talk english with Betty and Sabrina because they can speak english very well especially Sabrina. It is hard to talk to Jenny. She doesnt understand english very well. Just a little. for example 'hello' and 'how are you?'. I dont talk much with her. Julian? He's my best internet friend. F.y.i In germany, they use Britian English but in Brunei we use Uk english. So that's the reason why it is sometimes their english is quite different and barely for me to understand.
ok ok skrg ne nk ckp m'sia la plak ea. sje jer. lala de gak bkwn gn org2 m'sia neh. sowg dr KL *farra*, 3 owg dr klantn KB *Adi, Azmie, Dila* n sowg g dr t'ganu *Mira* tp x reti ckp t'ganu ^^ btul ke lala bt tmpt tgl dowg tuh? aha..klu x btul. nnt dowg tgur la tuh. sonok btui ckp gn dowg neh. sporting~ tp xa slalu chat gn Azmie n Dila..dowg dua ne bz agknye..ntah la..bior le! lala slalu chat gn Farra, Mira n Adi. Mira ngah sakit skrg neh..cian Mira~ nk sgt jguk Mira tp ja0hhh. rndu kat Mira tuh. dh lme Mira x n9. Sonok gak chat gn Farra. sme mnje cam lala. gn Adi pn sonok tp Adi dh brubh..ntah a..Adi dh lpe kat lala kot...dh sonok jmpe kwn bru agknye atau sonok chat gn Farra jer. Bia la~ tu kn urusn Adi..lala xnk sibuk ar~ jles gak ckit^^ ske sgt bkwn gn Adi tu..ade bnyk psmaan Adi and lala..He likes purple!! Adi der 4 org dik bradik. ank kdua. Adi sorg je laki2. ehe tgk tu..sme a cam lala sowg je pompuan~ de la lg psmaan yg len tp xnk mntion la kat cni ^^mls! ehe bia lala je yg tau. smlm Farra ngmuk~ ehe Farra geram...asgnmnt ia ilang! lpe nk sve dlm lappy. cik Farra tu esh3x tpkse a Farra wat lik asgnmnt tu~ cian Farra~
* klu my Bruneian frens na phm..sori yerr..phm2 kn sja cia *
Sorry to Gmah ku cyg~ dmlm gmah kol lala..ia kn pnjm my maths mechanics answer sheet. carik punya carikk...nada~ wawawa da dlm file notes mechanics yg Aunt Liza pnjm ah..sori lenx~ Qs paper ja ada..Answer sheet nya tmasuk dlm file notes nya ah~ huhuhu...My Bad~
^^ love everyone ^^
Posted by Lala at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Mood : Just Fine
Today...secara rasminya...Lala dh single Selama sbulan!!! u'll say *duhh~* hahaha ^^
Lala mo sngle smpai staun...dlm staun ane Lala tpksa lari dr laki2 yg ingin rsanya kn jd bf lala...Why??? because...ehe actually Lala and my friend, Wei, mncabar diri msing2. nada sorg pn d antra kmi 2 yg ada bf dlm staun ani..must after 1 year..aha! sapa klh..ia lnja mkn.. i kno lnja mkn 2 na j0a mhl cabaran hrus d lksanakn! Never Give klu ada scandal..a2 lain la ^^ far nada la msani..ahaha^^
I love to fall in love...
Posted by Lala at 12:06 AM 0 comments