Mood : Tired
Friday, March 14, 2008
Posted by Lala at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Mood : Stress but I'm okay =)I was playing an online game called Untagle just now. It has 20 levels but I managed to solve 15 levels only since it uses brain to think and figure out how to solve it. Stress eyh~ It is a very challenging game. sleepy eyh~ *yaawnnnn*
I'll try again next time.
Eyhs...Although I'm sleepy right now, I wanna share something. Msa ni kn, susah eyhs kn caya pat lelaki. You know why??
I know a guy ane..ia sma gf nya now btaun2 dh. 3 years kali dh..or more than 3 years. I don't know eyh. Non of my business anyway! Yeahh..ia mmg syg pat gfnya. TAPI merapati bini2 len. Gf nya mna tau neyh. He's now close to me. 1 month already. I am not going to steal him from his gf. ngat apa?? ukan prampas neyh! I just wanna test him. He was the one who came to me first..lyn sja la. I am single and want to make friends with anybody. I don't think that I'm wrong but sometimes he treats me like more than a friend. Erm~ tu yg no komen tuh! As I said before..lyn sja la. I used to ask him before why is he doing this. Ani answer nya 'boring gf slalu bz and slalu ja tdo awal..sunyi x ah'. See..ani ta punca nya bf cari bini2 len tuk menghiburkan hatinya. But nmpk sgt plg bf catu na bisai. Kalau bf atu falls rh bini2 len atu cana???? Am I talkin` bout me?..ehehe bini2 len's me lah. Actually, I know spa gf nya. She's my friend but nda la rapat. We just know each other since skulah ugama dlu eyhs~ ehehehehehehehe *giggle* don't worry...I won't steal your bf. Maybe anyone else will..Perhaps one day! Tkut nnti ia mkin boring and cari advice..take a good care of your love relationship..
I know that I've never been in a long term relationship like org lain but it doesn't mean that Lala na layak bg advice rh org. Only certains people know me very well. Zaman skrg..mcm2 leh jd. Ada yg nmpk baik and setia tp *phm2 la*. Cari kwn pn susah msani but I am proud with my bestfriends. Drg ta kwn yg d best 4me...Friends Forever guys! once again..Be careful =)
Posted by Lala at 11:55 PM 0 comments
Mood : Geram Geram Geram
She's a liar. You are Pretending to be good but hey..I'm not stupid lah. Everyone thinks the same thing about you. Stop pretending Weirdo~ Geram Geram Geram
Posted by Lala at 9:27 PM 0 comments
My Story~
♥Last Friday, I ordered 50 donuts from Nuar M. I'll pick 'em up tomorrow (Thursday) at Jerudong. I can't wait. I ordered 6 white choc donuts, 8 almond donuts, 11 blueberry donuts, 11 oreo donuts and 14 chocolate donuts with different toppings. I hope it's true that these Mini Donuts are better than the Fun Donuts. Am I addicted to donuts? I love donuts. So Damn Much! haha
♥I didn't remember when I applied for a job as a sale assistant at iclebooks store in Kiarong. Maybe a week ago. I sent my CV via email. Until now, no responds. I can't sleep thinking about it. Keep waiting and waiting. I feel nervous everytime I check my email. Wish me luck guys. I really2 need the job. Im bored. I want to do something new. My parents won't let me go out with friends. Rimas!!!! I need a job!! Allah..please help me!
Posted by Lala at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Mood : =) cool~
Posted by Lala at 4:29 PM 0 comments