Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Mood : Sleepy *yawn*
Source : Kim's Blog Page

Tell me your real name
- Nor Dalila
Your nickname(s)
- Lala / Leela / Ally / Lil
Most weird name you were called
- Dila ( pndai2 ja kna pgil Dila )
How about the most annoying?
- Lalat
Your sex
- Female
Your sexuality
- Straight of course
Your Birthdate
- 8/11/88
Your sign
- Scorpio
Your current location
- In ma room. Kg Mulaut. Brunei
Tell us about your lineage
- Asal Tantaya ( AsTa )
Your ethinicity
- Malay
Are you single/taken/attached/not available/available/married?
- Single
- (^_^)
What subjects or course are you taking?
- Going to take communication and computer systems engineering. InsyaAllah. Amin~
What's your occupation?
- Student
Do you drive?
- Yes (^_^)
Legally or illegally?
- Legally
Do you smoke?
- Nope Nope
What is/are your fear(s)?
- Allah s.w.t. & honestly Im afraid of Ghosts
Honestly, do you think your attractive?
- Sometimes ( honest udh ku tu ah )
- I am smart in my way
- Think so
What is/are your most over-used expressions?
- ehh?? ( mental )
What about your most over-used pose?
- The pose when I laugh out loud
Would you date someone ten years younger or older?
- Never!
Best physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
- Lips, Eyes, Nails, Legs, Hairs etc * hahahaha*
Best non-physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
- Hilarious, sweet, talkative, setia kawan, satu kepala
Best physical and non-physical asset YOU think you have?
- Physical : Lips and Eyes
Non-Physical : Friendly