Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mood : Happy

It happens again!!! Now. This is for real.
This is my new blog but it doesn't mean that I am a beginner. I used to have two blogs but I'm going to delete my previous blogs since I'm not going to use 'em anymore. Yeah I know that I can still use 'em by changing the html codes but..but..that's not the case..I need a new name for my new blog. So this is it...Princess Lala~ In this blog, I'm going to use Bruneian Malay + english. I don't care if the others dont understand my words*ksr bunyinya* because I'm going to make this blog as my open diary. It is all about my everyday life or maybe I'll talk about others as well ^^

ok I think lala na g mls pas ane...I think so! c0z I love my blog design now. yg dlu tu na lala puas ati siuk d liat and nada mud kn mpost.aha.d reason why lala ska sgt about dis new blog dsign ..pslnya~ it is dark(yeah black) jua brp sakit mata d liat. the colors are so cute aha. eh I didnt say that yg warna terang a2 sakit lah! for example blog c cute! na sakit mata lala liat blog nya ah...very cheerful and makes me happy! love the picture of her bday prezzies..Mooooo~*cow* the birthday cards..they are all so cute! eh dr tdi jua 'cute2' sja lala ckp neh! but it is true...really...serious!

...I miss My Friends...