Friday, November 7, 2008

From Lily's blog...I think I've been
On a scale from one to ten, how tired are you?
. 7 and a half
What is the relationship between you & the last person you texted?
. love
What did you do last night?
. Sleep & dot dot dot aha
Anything good/exciting happen to you lately
. Yess..yess..with him last night
What did you last eat?
. Sweets
If you could've chosen the color of the sky, what color would it be?
. Purple..erhh no no..let it be blue..
Are you on any kind of messenger right now?
. Yep!
If so, is anyone talking to you?
. Shhh
Do you feel like you need to brush your teeth right now?
. Nope..already
What was the last song you listened to?
. About you now (my phone's ringtone) kwang3
Looking forward to anything in the near future/future?
. Yeahhhhh definitely
What color is your cell phone?
Are you still in school or are you graduated?
. university =p
About how many comments does your myspace have?
. Didn't count..& I won't count
Do you really care about this years election?
. i care~ ehehe
Anything sore/hurt right now?
. Yes Yes..
When was the last time you yelled at someone?
. Erm..yesterday I guess..(arah my two noty brothers!)
What's bothering you right now?
. nothing
Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?
. nope..& i don't want to...wawawawa...
Anything stuck in your teeth?
. n0pe..
What is your favorite TV show?
. err err errrr...
Does anyone like/love you?
. yes..Esa my love!..he loves me kali ahhhh~ ahaha
What was/is your worst subject in school?
. DIgital Electronics
Do you like the feeling of a body part falling asleep?
. I'm not really sure
Have you ever-tried dog or cat food? If so, what was your opinion?
. Yes! when I was a tasted like a cat food.. haha
Who made dinner last night?
. Mama
How many profile views do you have on FS?
. Don’t know
Do you think people make too big of a deal of some stuff on FS ?
. Antah lahh
Who would you like to see right now?
. My boyfriend..I miss youuu..
Is Global warming happening?
. it's happening~
How's the weather today?
. Sunny
Do you have any plans for today? If so, what are they?
. Yes..bwa my lil bro to a Restaurant..and go shopping!!!
What can your hear right now?
. bunyi dr TV
Do you really care what people think about you?
. Yes I am...
How's your hair right now?
. Mcm besa..hate it
Do you dislike/hate anyone?
. Yes..sorry for that
What is the most expensive thing anyone has ever bought you?
. kn mntion
Where will be your next vacation?
. Don't know
How long do you shower for?
. almost 30 mins
How do you make your money?
. My dad is my bank..
Anything exciting happening last weekend?
. Last weekend huh? I think..there's nothing..
Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off?
. Esa my love!
Are you there for your friends?
. Yes! InsyAllah
Are you a forgiving person?
. Yup
Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
. huh?
and, you are tagging?
Also tagged by Lily~
1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instruction with your picture.
5. Tag 5 people to do this.