Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Celebration

New year Celebration, 

We were having a Family gathering at Nini's house @ Luagan Timbaran Village, Tutong. Having BBQ and Dart competition. My love, Esa, joined us. We didn't stay til 12 there 'cos we, me and my family, had another plan for the day after. So, I heard the gathering ended up at 6:30 am. Huhu..

Masa balik awal, I spent my new year's eve with my Love at home. Together. Waiting for the new year countdown. It was my first time celebrating my new year with him. Accompanied with chocolates and warm water. I wasn't feeling very well. Fever. Atu yg spoil. Damn. Bila jam sudah menunjukkan waktu 12, Mulaut Village bagaikan berperang. Berperang fireworks. So me and him watched them for free *wink* So romantic. I love you sayang. And We saw tanglung terbang. Nice one!

The day after, we had to wake up early at 6am. Terpaksa bertolak at 7am from Home. Where were we going to? We were going to Pelumpung Island. It was my second trip to Pelumpung Island. It was totally FUN. With Family + with Emi + Big Boat + Mandi pantai + 3 times sunblock re-applied and more! And oh..BBQ chickens and marshmallows. Loving them..