Monday, May 2, 2011


(Language = Bruneian + English + Malaysian a bit..hahaha)

Today's Breakfast

Bangun pagi. Minum Cocoa Collagen. I was thinking mau makan apa yeeee untuk breakfast. Then I remembered that I ordered Roti Kawin two days ago at Netzone Cafe, Kiulap. Aku terseliur kan makan lagi. Roti kawin is my favourite breakfast dish (other than murtabakkk..yummmmmy!). So, aku buat lah sendiri tapi pakai roti paun biasa saja. Easy, simple, kacang, mudah haha. Panat. Yang penting nyaman! kalau kana suruh or roti kawin..of course aku pilih pizza! suspen. hehehe



Yesterday punya cerita...

I made this dish (Ayam Madu Bijan) for the third time kemarin. And SEE!!! Lawa kannn kalau ada sesame seeds??? Rasanya pun lawaaa..the taste had improved. My bro, Zaim, said " If per 10, aku bagi 10/10 ehh no no..11/10 " HAHAHA kambang!


2 Days ago punya cerita...

30/04/2011 was the last date for OhMyCard 'Buy 1 free 1' promotion. I think, rugi jua kalau nda bali. For those yang alum tau, it is a discount card which has 2 plans (choose 1 only)..$28 for 6-months plan..and $48 for 12-months plan. I chose to buy the $48 for 12-months plan. This card can be accepted by 50 and more restaurants in Brunei. Sayang jua kalau nda bali cos malar makan luar. Nda plg berabis2 malar. If you want to purchase the card, go to all QQ outlets in Brunei (Gadong, Kiulap or Time Square).

Since I bought it during the 'buy 1 free 1' promotion, the other card is also has 12-months plan. Hehehe. Nda kamu curious kah siapa aku bagi yg satu lagi? My boyfriend of course (untung eh si Dia ahhhh *julur*) hehehe..I forgot to take a picture of his. I didn't give it to my parents. Why? cos sma jua aku ikut durg parents ku makan luar. toink! Go to (or its FB page) for more information =) Lapas 30th April, NADA promotion 'Buy 1 Free 1'lagi yeeeee...harap maklum..

Masa balik rumah, aku tu sedaaanggg meng-organise cards ku dalam wallet. Then I checked my car licence card...Aduiiiiiii~ Expired rupanya sudahhhhh..since March lagi tuuuu..why am I so careless?????? sighhhhh...I was TOTALLY forgot! Hahahaha